Debbie: When you and I first began We Are Kindling Schist, my primary motivation was anger. I was angry at what I was facing at the school where I worked at the time, and I was trying to make sense of it all, to decipher how this professional anger reflected other events in my life, […]
I recently received the email below from a colleague and friend. It caused me much sadness and not a little anger. Debbie Franks, Editor Hi There, This whole morning thing just ick. Our instructional coach has delusions of grandeur and a superiority complex. Ugh. To sum up the morning our instructional coach had the audacity to […]
Debbie: What’s burning you up? What’s kindling your schist? Who’s responsible, and what can we do about it? On some days my helplessness turns to fury, some days to tears. Other days I can look on from a far, far distance and see that this is just the way the world sometimes turns. And then […]
Really, what is education for? See Diane Ravitch’s site on recent tragic events; thanks to friend and We Are Kindling Schist contributor Jill Rafferty-Weinisch for her suggestion. Links to good stuff (suggestions welcome at Also try: Tedx Talk Mike Rose has been writing about education for years, particularly with first-hand perspectives of […]